
Welcome to Ethecol Energy, LLC

Ethecol Energy offers this web presence so that our colleagues can see some of the few projects that we have worked on over the last decade that we can disclose our involvement.

Ethecol focuses on optimizing renewable energy deployments that utilize a feedstock and create renewable energy and a biocarbon residual that can be integrated into a carbon sequestering program.

Ethecol has the lowest carbon intensity solutions for:

Biomass Drying using superheated steam non-rotating dryers with full heat recovery

Combined Heat and Power Plant solutions using solid fuel gasification combustors with positive fuel progression and extended producer gas oxidization time for very low emissions profiles and maximum heat recovery.

Anaerobic Digestion Systems that can turn high moisture content energy rich manure or bio substrates into renewable natural gas (biomethane) with higher than average conversion efficiency using optimized processing methods and real time monitoring.

Biosolids Termination Systems that can remotely dredge digested agricultural manures from containment lagoons/ponds and cost effectively dewater, sanitize, and devolve chemical components to produce a high quality organic class AA biosolids quickly with zero air emissions and 100% heat recovery.

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